Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Every now and then, one experiences sudden bout of lethargy....remember morning blues...It doesnot have to be a monday it is today: a friday morning; that too with an upcoming office Diwali party on the Sunday....any sane person would be pretty excited. But, then life is not so simple.

There are days when you feel energetic throughout the day, then there are days when you just wanna break free from mundane routine of work. It is important to realise this cycle of varying energy levels and withdraw from routine work once you start to get this feeling of low energy levels. If one forces to work when one does not want to, it has negative effect on one's productivity in medium term.

Initially, you will be able to push yourself to work....probably 'second wind'....but, subsequently you will experience blues for longer period of time than you would have otherwise. Make sure you 'do your own things' on such writing this blog...talking with friends. Don't let that feeling get into you....hopefully you will get over it pretty soon.