Sunday, October 05, 2008

A journey coming to an end...

It has been an exceptional last year. It was fruitful in many ways. Infact, it was one of the better years in my life. This period, starting from September 2007, was my 'vanvaas' in Belgium. This is coming to an end with me returning on 16th October. This is what I managed to do in this year:
- learnt cooking in true sense, whatever cooking I did in italy was just fooling myself
- read/listened to 'Alaap' - A discovery of Indian Classical music
- been to places in Belgium, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Paris, Venice, Rome, Pisa, Barcelona, Munich, New York and India twice.
- created my first internet video (already 1000+ views :D)
- continued with my reading about Indian history and culture. Discovered a lot of things.
- had lot of time to do physical workout - jogged, play cricket and basketball
- did some software setup and development for a small company.

Now going back to NCR, I will miss a lot of things I do here because of single stupid thing that will wipe out all my energy - traveling. I hate to admit but as much as I love Delhi, I hate the distances that it has. I hope either I will find a solution to it or get used to it.


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