Sunday, May 21, 2006


I, sometimes, feel if life could have been as clear as they show in most hindi movies, where right from the start one knows who is good and who is bad, who is to be liked and who is to be hated.

But, sadly, it is not. Mainly, because norms in real life are very different from reel life. There ain't a single ideal to follow. It's a mix of signals that one receives which decides one's perception of right and wrong. And when one is convinced that something should be done, it becomes `right'. And, one follows the right!!

'Right', which, ofcourse, is wrong for others. Like, the issue of reservation, the issue of demolition and on a lesser scale, cutting lanes and jumping traffic lights.

I think this divide would remain till time indefinite. As Gulzar wrote, `jab tak ram hai...ravan rahega!!'

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


This post is dedicated to a person that I just know, have almost no interaction except the morning namaste and a couple of dialogue in a day or two. He is not, even, from a middle economic class by Delhi's standards but his satisfaction level amazes me and he only goes to prove my belief of 'money can't buy me satisfaction'.

This guy ain't interested in getting more money by working overtime. He wants to call it a day at 6 and be with his family. He doesn't show any aggression that is usually associated with the people from his profession. But having said this, I must tell that I am also impressed by the ease with which he performs his duty and with good effect.

His latest move, to go on a month's holiday with these words ... 'sir, kamane ke liye to puri umar padi hai!'