Monday, January 23, 2006

How to write a Dan Brown book

[from my mail to cbsbit group]

Just started 'Angels and Demons' around 140 pages. You can also write a book like Dan Brown. Here is what you need to do:

1. Do a thorough research about a couple of European cities....make sure you know every street/monument/museum in the will have to describe them vividly.
2. The book has to start with a brutal murder of somebody who knows secret...the corpse should preferably be naked.
3. The victim has to have a daughter/grand-daughter, who has nobody else in the world except the victim...ofcourse, she will find a friend in Robert Langdon.
4. The complete novel ...though would be of six to seven hundred pages but...would just describe around 24 hours.
5. There has to be a handicapped intelligent guy...who may turn out to be the villain.
6. There has to be a secret about one, find it, discover it or create it...i don't give a damn...but it has to exist....c'mon guys, can't u see...secret societies are everywhere.

and last, but the most important...
7. Do a lot of church bashing...but subtly promote christianity.

So, who is writing the next one???

(you are invited to extend/improve this list :)

Friday, January 13, 2006

mama mia.....

writing after a long time. a lot has happened since last post. am currently in Battipaglia, Italy. Visited Rome, Naples and Pompei. So my last year's count has become 13!!

Have been here for more than a month....miss home, Delhi and the people. Just if somebody didn't know it.....Delhi has been `officially' voted the best place to live by CBSBIT batch of 2002 ;)

Have been doing a lot of India/Ved/Upanishad related reading on and off net. Have been listening to Indian ocean a lot too....

A few interesting thing about Italy....their numbers are close to sanskrit...ofcourse, due to the fact that the modern numerals have indian due, tre, sept, otto, nove, deci...a few other words are common/similar like ananas (pineapple), sapone (soap). have seen ticketless travellers in naples...crazy driving in naples....cigarette butts all over places....but overall, pretty good culture and people.

found a linux-user here in office....he has 3 PCs, 2 laptops and a whole lot of gadgets at home...saw nokia 770...a great piece that runs!! have my eyes on it!!

have been eating loads of cheese daily....but don't think that i am putting weight...but have been taking same breakfast in hotel and almost similar food at office....still managing to be a vegetarian, though :)

Learnt cooking as well....(o i cool or what;)....pulao, aalo matar aur bhi kaafi cheeje ;)

march abhi bahut duur hai...:(
